Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.
The following venues are being used for this event.
Cedar Lane Regional Park
Cedar Lane Regional Park (CL)
1100 Cedar Lane
Bel Air, MD, 21015
1 (1),
2 (2),
3 (3),
4 (4),
5 (5),
6 (6),
7 (7),
8 (8),
9 (9),
10 (10),
12 (12),
13 (13)
Maryland Polo Grounds
Maryland Polo Grounds (MPG)
3600 Fallston Rd.
Jarrettsville, MD, 21084
1 (1),
2 (2),
3 (3),
4 (4),
5 (5),
6 (6)
All event related questions should be directed to Aloha Tournaments at info@alohatournaments.com or call 4102525642.